How to Change Network on Wyze Thermostat: Easy Guide

To change the network on your Wyze Thermostat, navigate to the “Settings” in the Wyze app and select the thermostat you want to update. Then, tap on “Wi-Fi Network” and follow the on-screen instructions to connect to a new network.

The Wyze Thermostat offers a convenient way to control your home’s temperature remotely. With its easy-to-use app and sleek design, it’s a popular choice for smart home enthusiasts. However, if you need to change the network that your thermostat is connected to, the process is simple and can be done directly through the Wyze app.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to change the network on your Wyze Thermostat, ensuring that your smart home remains connected and comfortable.

Introduction To Wyze Thermostat

The Wyze Thermostat is a smart thermostat that allows you to control your home’s temperature from anywhere with the Wyze app. To change the network on your Wyze Thermostat, simply go to the settings menu and select Wi-Fi settings, then follow the on-screen instructions to connect to a new network.

The Smart Home Revolution

Smart homes are becoming increasingly popular in today’s world. Wyze Thermostat is one such product that can make your home smarter. With its advanced features, you can control your thermostat remotely, set schedules, and save energy. The Wyze Thermostat can be controlled using the Wyze app, Alexa, or Google Assistant.

It is easy to install, intuitive to use, and can save you money on your energy bills. In this blog post, we will guide you on how to change the network on the Wyze Thermostat.

Benefits Of A Connected Thermostat

A connected thermostat like Wyze Thermostat has several benefits. It allows you to control the temperature of your home from anywhere using your smartphone or voice commands. With its advanced features, you can set schedules, adjust the temperature, and even monitor your energy usage. This can help you save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint.

Additionally, a connected thermostat can also improve the comfort level of your home. You can set the temperature to your liking, and the thermostat will maintain it throughout the day.

Changing Network On Wyze Thermostat

If you need to change the network on your Wyze Thermostat, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Wyze app on your smartphone and go to the Wyze Thermostat section.
  2. Select the thermostat you want to change the network for.
  3. Tap on the gear icon located in the top right corner of the screen.
  4. Select “Wi-Fi Network” from the list of options.
  5. Enter the new Wi-Fi network name and password and tap on “Save”.

Once you complete these steps, your Wyze Thermostat will be connected to the new network. It is important to note that you will need to reconnect all other Wyze devices on the same network as well. In conclusion, the Wyze Thermostat is an excellent addition to any smart home.

With its advanced features and easy-to-use interface, you can control your home’s temperature from anywhere, anytime. Changing the network on your Wyze Thermostat is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps.

Before You Begin

Before changing the network on your Wyze Thermostat, it’s important to take certain precautions and ensure that you have the necessary tools for the job.

Safety Precautions

When working with any electrical device, safety should always be a top priority. Follow these safety precautions to prevent accidents:

  • Turn off the power to the thermostat at the circuit breaker to avoid electrical shock.
  • Use a voltage tester to ensure that the power is off before proceeding with any work.
  • Avoid touching any exposed wires and components to prevent injury.

Tools Required For The Job

Before you begin the process of changing the network on your Wyze Thermostat, make sure you have the following tools on hand:

  • Screwdriver: To remove the thermostat from the wall.
  • Mobile Device: With the Wyze app installed for configuration.
  • Wi-Fi Network Information: Including the network name and password for the new connection.

Identifying Your Current Network

To change the network on your Wyze Thermostat, start by identifying your current network. This crucial step allows you to connect your thermostat to a new network seamlessly. Simply follow the instructions provided by Wyze to ensure a smooth network transition.

Checking Wi-fi Settings

First, locate the settings menu on your Wyze Thermostat device.

Then, navigate to the ‘Wi-Fi’ section within the settings.

Click on ‘Wi-Fi’ to view the available network connections.

Understanding The Wyze Thermostat Interface

The Wyze Thermostat interface displays your current network connection.

Look for the network name (SSID) that your thermostat is connected to.

If you need to change the network, ensure you have the new network details handy.

Steps To Change Network On Wyze Thermostat

When you need to change the network on your Wyze Thermostat, it’s a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few simple steps. Follow the guide below to seamlessly switch to a new network and ensure your thermostat stays connected to the internet.

Accessing The Network Settings

To begin, access the network settings on your Wyze Thermostat. This can be done by navigating to the main menu and selecting the “Network” option. Once there, locate the “Change Network” button and proceed to the next step.

Selecting A New Network

After clicking on the “Change Network” button, a list of available Wi-Fi networks will appear. Select the new network you wish to connect to by clicking on its name. Enter the password for the selected network when prompted, and wait for the thermostat to establish a connection. Once successfully connected to the new network, your Wyze Thermostat will be ready to use.

Troubleshooting Connection Issues

Having trouble with your Wyze Thermostat’s network connection? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Below are some common Wi-Fi problems and steps to reset the Wyze Thermostat to help resolve any connection issues.

Common Wi-fi Problems

Here are some common Wi-Fi problems that may affect the connection of your Wyze Thermostat:

  • Weak Wi-Fi signal
  • Network congestion
  • Incorrect Wi-Fi credentials
  • Router compatibility issues

Resetting The Wyze Thermostat

If you’re experiencing connection issues, try resetting your Wyze Thermostat by following these steps:

  1. Go to the thermostat’s settings menu
  2. Select “Reset Wi-Fi”
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to reconnect to your Wi-Fi network

Securing Your Wyze Thermostat Network

Ensuring the security of your Wyze Thermostat network is crucial to safeguard your data and privacy. By following best practices, you can protect your device from potential vulnerabilities.

Creating A Strong Password

Set a unique and complex password for your Wyze Thermostat to prevent unauthorized access.

Regularly Updating Firmware

Frequently check for firmware updates to patch any security flaws and ensure your device is up-to-date.

Advanced Settings And Customization

When it comes to the Wyze Thermostat, advanced settings and customization provide users with the flexibility to tailor their heating and cooling preferences to their specific needs. From setting up geofencing to adjusting temperature preferences, the thermostat offers a range of features to enhance user experience.

Setting Up Geofencing

Geofencing allows users to set up a virtual boundary around their homes, triggering the thermostat to adjust the temperature based on their location. To enable geofencing, users can navigate to the “Geofencing” section in the thermostat’s settings and follow the on-screen prompts to set up the desired radius and temperature preferences for when they enter or leave the geofenced area.

Adjusting Temperature Preferences

Wyze Thermostat offers the flexibility to customize temperature preferences based on individual comfort levels. Users can easily adjust the temperature setpoints for different times of the day, ensuring optimal comfort and energy efficiency. By accessing the “Temperature Preferences” section in the settings, users can fine-tune their heating and cooling schedules to align with their daily routines.

Maintaining Your Wyze Thermostat

Maintaining your Wyze thermostat is crucial to ensure that it functions properly and provides accurate temperature readings. One of the important aspects of maintaining your thermostat is changing its network when needed. In this section, we will guide you through the steps required to change the network on your Wyze thermostat.

Scheduled Check-ups

It is important to perform regular check-ups on your Wyze thermostat to ensure that it is functioning properly and is connected to the right network. We recommend checking your thermostat once every three months to ensure that there are no connectivity issues. You can also check if your thermostat is connected to the right network by looking at the device’s network settings.

When To Seek Professional Help

If you are experiencing connectivity issues with your Wyze thermostat despite performing regular check-ups, it might be time to seek professional help. Contacting Wyze’s customer support team will help you troubleshoot the issue and resolve it quickly. They can also guide you through the steps required to change the network on your thermostat.

Changing the network on your Wyze thermostat is a simple process, but it is important to ensure that you follow the steps correctly to avoid any connectivity issues. Performing regular check-ups and seeking professional help when needed will help you maintain your thermostat and ensure that it functions properly for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Connect My Wyze To A New Network?

To connect your Wyze to a new network, open the Wyze app and select the camera. Tap on “Settings” and then “Device Info. ” Choose “Update Wi-Fi” and follow the prompts to connect to the new network.

How Do I Reset My Wyze Thermostat?

To reset your Wyze Thermostat, go to settings, select “System,” then choose “Reset. ” Confirm the action and your thermostat will reset.

How Do I Reset My Wyze Network?

To reset your Wyze network, follow these steps: 1. Open the Wyze app and go to the device settings. 2. Select the device you want to reset. 3. Tap on “Advanced Settings” and then “Factory Reset”. 4. Confirm the reset and wait for the device to restart.

5. Reconnect the device to your network using the setup process.

How To Put Wyze Thermostat Back Online?

To put Wyze Thermostat back online, restart the Wi-Fi router and the thermostat. Ensure they are within range and the Wi-Fi network is stable.


To sum up, changing the network on your Wyze Thermostat is a straightforward process that can be done in a few simple steps. By accessing the settings menu, connecting to a new network, and following the prompts, you can seamlessly switch to a different network without any hassle.

Remember to ensure that your new network meets the necessary requirements for a smooth and uninterrupted thermostat experience. With this knowledge in hand, you can confidently navigate the network change process and enjoy optimal performance from your Wyze Thermostat.

Scott Maupin