Why Honeywell Thermostat Snowflake Blinking?- [Causes+Fixes]

A comfortable home environment is something we all cherish, and a pivotal element in maintaining that comfort is a reliable thermostat. Modern thermostats like those by Honeywell have made it easier than ever to control the temperature in our homes, ensuring that we’re warm in the winter and cool in the summer. 

However, like any technology, thermostats can sometimes encounter issues, and one of the common problems that Honeywell thermostat users face is the enigmatic “snowflake blinking” issue.

In this comprehensive guide, we will dive into the world of troubleshooting the Honeywell Thermostat Snowflake Blinking Issue. 

Let’s embark on this journey to regain control of your home’s comfort, starting with an understanding of the snowflake blinking phenomenon.

Understand the Honeywell Thermostat Snowflake Flashing Issue

Before delving into troubleshooting, it’s crucial to grasp the significance of the honeywell thermostat snowflake flashing.

This seemingly enigmatic icon carries valuable information about your thermostat’s current state and can provide insights into the root cause of your comfort-related woes.

Cooling Mode Indicator

First and foremost, the snowflake symbol on your Honeywell thermostat typically indicates that your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system is in cooling mode. 

In this mode, the thermostat is actively working to lower the indoor temperature by engaging the air conditioner. 

Temperature Differential

The snowflake blinking is not random; it signifies that your thermostat is actively calling for cooling because the current room temperature is above your desired cooling setpoint. 

In essence, it’s a signal that your thermostat is trying to make your home cooler.

User-Friendly Interface

Honeywell thermostats are designed with user-friendliness in mind. 

The snowflake symbol is an intuitive visual cue that indicates when your thermostat is working to maintain your preferred temperature.

Temperature Setpoint vs. Actual Temperature

To better understand the snowflake blinking, it’s essential to be aware of the difference between the temperature setpoint (your desired temperature) and the actual room temperature. When these two values diverge, the thermostat takes action, hence the snowflake blinking.

Energy Efficiency

The snowflake symbol also plays a role in energy efficiency. It alerts you when your cooling system is actively running, helping you manage your energy consumption and costs more effectively.

By comprehending the meaning behind the snowflake blinking, you’re better equipped to assess whether it’s functioning correctly or if there’s an issue that needs your attention.

8 Causes of Honeywell Thermostat Snowflake Blinking

When you encounter the snowflake blinking on Honeywell thermostat, it’s essential to investigate the underlying causes. 

The blinking snowflake is not merely a decorative feature; it’s a signal that something in your HVAC system or thermostat operation requires attention. Here are some common culprits:

1. Temperature Settings

One of the most frequent reasons for the snowflake blinking is a discrepancy between the temperature setpoint and the actual room temperature. 

If your desired cooling temperature is set lower than the current room temperature, the thermostat will activate the cooling system, resulting in the snowflake blinking.

2. Temperature Sensor Issues

Your thermostat relies on temperature sensors to gauge the room’s temperature accurately. 

If these sensors are malfunctioning or covered by obstructions (e.g., curtains or furniture), they may provide inaccurate readings, leading to cooling when it’s not needed.

3. Wiring Problems

Faulty or loose wiring can disrupt communication between your thermostat and HVAC system. 

This can cause your thermostat to signal cooling even when it shouldn’t, leading to the snowflake blinking issue.

4. Power Interruptions

Temporary power outages or interruptions can reset your thermostat settings. If the cooling mode was active before the interruption, the thermostat might resume cooling once power is restored, leading to the snowflake blinking.

5. HVAC Compatibility

Sometimes, the snowflake blinking can occur due to compatibility issues between your thermostat and HVAC system. 

Certain HVAC systems may not work optimally with Honeywell thermostats, causing irregularities in cooling operation.

6. Thermostat Malfunction

In some cases, the issue might originate from the thermostat itself. Malfunctions or software glitches can cause erratic behavior, including the snowflake blinking when it shouldn’t.

7. System Overload

During extreme weather conditions, your cooling system may struggle to reach the set temperature, leading to extended cooling cycles and the snowflake blinking. This can be a normal response to extreme heat.

8. Dirty Filters or Coils

A clogged air filter or dirty evaporator or condenser coils can impede the efficiency of your cooling system. 

In response, the thermostat may run the cooling system longer than necessary, resulting in the snowflake blinking.

By understanding these common causes, you’ll be better prepared to diagnose the specific issue with your Honeywell thermostat when you encounter the snowflake blinking. 

Step-by-Step Honeywell Thermostat Snowflake Blinking Fixing

Now that you’re familiar with the meaning of the snowflake blinking on honeywell thermostat and the common causes behind it, let’s embark on a systematic troubleshooting journey to resolve the issue. 

Follow these steps to identify and address the problem with your Honeywell thermostat:

1. Check Temperature Settings

   – Verify that the desired cooling temperature (setpoint) is correctly configured on your thermostat.

   – Adjust the setpoint if needed to ensure it’s lower than the current room temperature.

2. Inspect Temperature Sensors

   – Ensure that nothing is obstructing the thermostat’s temperature sensors, such as curtains or furniture.

   – Gently clean the sensors with a soft cloth to remove any dust or dirt that may affect accuracy.

3. Examine Wiring Connections

   – Carefully inspect the wiring connections between your thermostat and HVAC system.

   – Ensure all wires are securely connected and undamaged.

   – If you’re uncertain about the wiring, consult the thermostat’s user manual or a professional technician.

4. Power Cycle the Thermostat

   – Turn off the thermostat by setting it to the “Off” position.

   – Wait for a few minutes, then turn it back on.

   – Check if the snowflake blinking issue persists after the reset.

5. Verify HVAC Compatibility

   – Confirm that your Honeywell thermostat is compatible with your specific HVAC system.

   – Review the thermostat’s user manual or visit the Honeywell website for compatibility information.

6. Perform a System Check

   – Test your HVAC system by switching between heating and cooling modes.

   – Ensure that both heating and cooling functions operate as expected.

   – Pay attention to any unusual noises or malfunctions.

7. Update or Reset the Thermostat

   – If your thermostat has a software update option, check for available updates and install them.

   – Consider performing a factory reset (consult the user manual for instructions) to restore default settings.

8. Clean or Replace Air Filters

   – Inspect and clean or replace air filters in your HVAC system.

   – Clogged filters can impede airflow, causing the cooling system to run longer than necessary.

9. Weather Considerations

   – If you’re experiencing extreme weather conditions, be patient. It’s normal for your cooling system to work harder during heatwaves.

10. Seek Professional Assistance:

   – If the snowflake blinking issue persists despite your troubleshooting efforts, or if you’re uncomfortable performing these steps, it’s advisable to contact a qualified HVAC technician for a thorough inspection and repair.

By following these steps systematically, you increase the likelihood of identifying and resolving the snowflake blinking issue on your Honeywell thermostat. 

Remember that safety is paramount, and if you’re unsure about any step, it’s always best to seek professional assistance to ensure your HVAC system operates efficiently and reliably.

Additional Tips and Recommendations for Honeywell Thermostat

In addition to the step-by-step troubleshooting process, consider these additional tips and recommendations to ensure your Honeywell thermostat continues to operate smoothly and efficiently:

Regular Maintenance

Implement a routine maintenance schedule for your HVAC system. This includes cleaning or replacing air filters, inspecting wiring connections, and cleaning temperature sensors. 

Regular maintenance can prevent many common thermostat issues.

Smart Thermostat Features

If your Honeywell thermostat is a smart model, explore its advanced features. Smart thermostats offer remote control, scheduling, and energy-saving options that can enhance your comfort and reduce energy costs.


Periodically check the accuracy of your thermostat’s temperature readings. You can use a separate thermometer to compare readings and recalibrate the thermostat if necessary.

User Manuals

Keep your thermostat’s user manual handy. It’s a valuable resource for troubleshooting, maintenance, and understanding specific features unique to your model.

Energy-Saving Practices

To reduce energy consumption and save on utility bills, consider setting your thermostat to energy-saving modes when you’re away from home. Many Honeywell thermostats offer scheduling options for this purpose.

Compatibility Checks

If you plan to upgrade your HVAC system or thermostat, ensure compatibility between the two components. Not all thermostats work seamlessly with all HVAC systems.

Professional Maintenance

Schedule periodic professional HVAC maintenance. HVAC technicians can perform comprehensive inspections and tune-ups to keep your system in peak condition.

DIY Limitations

While some troubleshooting can be done by homeowners, remember that HVAC systems can be complex. If you encounter a significant issue or need to replace components, it’s best to rely on professional expertise.

Backup Heating and Cooling

If your thermostat controls both heating and cooling, ensure that your heating system is also functioning correctly. Address any issues promptly to maintain year-round comfort.

Energy Efficiency Upgrades

Consider investing in energy-efficient HVAC components and smart thermostats. These upgrades can lead to long-term cost savings and reduce your carbon footprint.

Emergency Preparedness

Be prepared for extreme weather conditions by having backup heating or cooling options in place, such as portable heaters or fans.

When to Seek Professional Help?

While many thermostat issues can be resolved through DIY troubleshooting, there are specific situations where it’s best to enlist the expertise of a professional HVAC technician. 

Here are some clear indicators of when to seek professional help:

Persisting Snowflake Blinking

If your honeywell thermostat snowflake blinking issue continues despite your best efforts to troubleshoot and resolve it, it’s time to call in a professional. 

This may indicate a more complex problem that requires expert diagnosis and repair.

Electrical Concerns:

If you suspect electrical problems with your thermostat or HVAC system, such as damaged wiring, loose connections, or frequent circuit breaker trips, do not attempt to fix these yourself.

Electrical issues can be hazardous and should be addressed by a licensed technician.

HVAC Component Replacement

When components of your HVAC system, such as compressors, fans, or control boards, need replacement or repair, it’s best to have a qualified technician perform the work. 

These components can be expensive, and improper installation can lead to further problems.

Gas Furnace Issues

If your home has a gas furnace and you suspect any issues with gas lines, leaks, or combustion problems, immediately shut off the gas supply and contact a professional. 

Gas-related problems are extremely dangerous and should be handled by experts.

Advanced Troubleshooting

Some thermostat and HVAC issues may require advanced diagnostic tools and knowledge that only professionals possess. 

If you’re unsure about the cause of the problem or lack the tools to investigate further, it’s time to consult a technician.

Warranty Coverage

If your thermostat or HVAC system is under warranty, attempting DIY repairs may void the warranty. Professional technicians can perform repairs without affecting warranty coverage.

Age and Obsolescence

 If your thermostat or HVAC system is old and outdated, it may be more cost-effective to consult with a technician about upgrading to a newer, more efficient system.

Safety Concern

If you have any safety concerns about your HVAC system or thermostat, including unusual odors, smoke, or unusual noises, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and contact a professional immediately.

Inadequate Heating or Cooling

If your home consistently fails to reach the desired temperature, or if you experience uneven heating or cooling, a technician can assess and address the root cause, which may involve ductwork or system adjustments.

New System Installation

When installing a new HVAC system or upgrading your thermostat, it’s wise to involve a professional from the start to ensure proper installation and system compatibility.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How often should I clean or replace the air filter in my HVAC system?

The frequency of air filter maintenance depends on factors like your system type and local conditions. As a general guideline, check your filter monthly and replace it every 1 to 3 months or as recommended by the filter manufacturer.

My thermostat is old. Should I consider upgrading to a newer model?

Upgrading to a newer thermostat can offer benefits like energy efficiency, smart features, and improved temperature control. Consult with an HVAC technician to assess whether an upgrade is worthwhile based on your specific needs.

Can I use a smart thermostat to resolve the snowflake blinking issue?

Smart thermostats can help manage temperature settings more effectively and provide remote control options. However, they may not resolve underlying HVAC system issues causing the snowflake blinking. Address system problems first.

Are there any safety precautions I should take when troubleshooting my thermostat?

Always prioritize safety. If you suspect electrical issues, turn off power to the thermostat and HVAC system before inspecting the wiring. If you smell gas or encounter other safety concerns, evacuate your home and contact professionals immediately.

Why does my thermostat sometimes switch between heating and cooling modes on its own?

Automatic mode switching can occur due to temperature fluctuations. To prevent this, set a temperature range where both heating and cooling are not triggered simultaneously.


In the quest to maintain a comfortable home environment, your Honeywell thermostat plays a pivotal role. The mysterious snowflake blinking issue, while initially puzzling, is a manageable challenge when armed with the knowledge and steps outlined in this guide.

By now, you should feel more confident in your ability to address the honeywell thermostat snowflake blinking issue and other thermostat-related concerns. 

Remember that your home’s comfort is within your control, and with proper maintenance and troubleshooting, you can keep your thermostat running smoothly.

If you’ve successfully resolved the issue, we’re delighted that you’ve regained control over your indoor climate. If challenges persist, don’t hesitate to reach out to a qualified HVAC technician for expert guidance.

Scott Maupin