Fujitsu Thermostat Symbols: What Do They Really Mean?

Have you ever wondered what that snowflake symbol means? Or perhaps you’ve been puzzled by the various fan icons? Fear not, for by the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge needed to decipher these symbols with confidence. 

Whether you’re looking to optimize your energy usage, troubleshoot issues, or explore advanced thermostat features, we’ve got you covered.

By mastering Fujitsu thermostat symbols, you’ll not only enhance your comfort but also reduce energy consumption and utility costs. Join us on this journey to unravel the secrets hidden within your thermostat, as we embark on a mission to make your indoor environment more comfortable, efficient, and convenient. 

Let’s start by exploring the basics of Fujitsu thermostat symbols and discover what they really mean.

The Basics of Fujitsu Thermostat Symbols

Before we dive into the specifics of Fujitsu thermostat symbols, it’s essential to grasp the fundamental concepts. 

Thermostat symbols are a visual language that your Fujitsu thermostat uses to communicate various settings, modes, and functions. 

They play a pivotal role in regulating your indoor climate and ensuring that your HVAC system operates efficiently.

Here’s a primer on some of the most common thermostat symbols you’ll encounter:

1. Temperature Settings

These symbols represent your desired indoor temperature for both heating and cooling modes. 

They typically include an arrow pointing up for heating and down for cooling, accompanied by a temperature value.

2. Fan Speed

You’ll find symbols denoting fan speed, usually depicted as fan blades or bars. These symbols let you control the airflow within your space, providing options like “Auto,” “Low,” “Medium,” and “High.”

3. Mode Selection

Fujitsu thermostats often feature symbols that allow you to switch between heating, cooling, and fan-only modes. These symbols ensure your system operates in the mode you desire.

4. Program and Schedule Icons

If your thermostat offers programming and scheduling options, symbols like clocks, calendars, and weekdays are used to set up customized heating and cooling schedules.

5. Power On/Off

Symbols indicating power status, such as a circle with a line through it (for off) or a simple power button, help you control when your thermostat is actively regulating the temperature.

6. Humidity Control

Advanced Fujitsu thermostats may have symbols related to humidity control, allowing you to adjust indoor humidity levels for added comfort.

7. Zoning Symbols

If your system supports zoning, symbols might represent different zones within your home, giving you precise control over individual areas.

Temperature Control Symbols Fujitsu Thermostat 

When it comes to creating a comfortable indoor environment, temperature control is paramount. 

Fujitsu thermostats offer a range of symbols related to temperature settings, allowing you to fine-tune your HVAC system to your liking. Here’s a detailed breakdown of these symbols and how to use them effectively:

1. Heating Temperature

Look for a symbol that resembles an arrow pointing up, often accompanied by a temperature value (e.g., 70°F or 21°C). 

This symbol indicates your desired temperature for heating mode. Adjust it to set your preferred warmth level during colder seasons.

2. Cooling Temperature

Conversely, a downward-pointing arrow with a temperature value signifies your desired cooling temperature (e.g., 72°F or 22°C). 

Use this symbol to set the temperature at which your air conditioner kicks in during warm weather.

3. Temperature Adjustment

Some thermostats feature symbols that allow you to increase or decrease the temperature with a simple up or down arrow. This makes it easy to fine-tune your comfort without changing modes.

4. Dual Heating/Cooling

In some cases, you may encounter a symbol that combines both the heating and cooling temperature settings. This symbol ensures that your thermostat maintains a comfortable temperature year-round.

5. Eco or Energy-Saving Mode

A leaf or eco symbol indicates an energy-saving mode. When activated, your thermostat will adjust the temperature to conserve energy while maintaining comfort. This is an excellent option for reducing utility bills.

6. Overriding Temperature

Thermostats may allow you to temporarily override your programmed settings with a “temporary hold” symbol. 

This is useful if you want to adjust the temperature for a specific period without changing your regular schedule.

Programming and Scheduling Symbols of Fujitsu Thermostat 

One of the greatest advantages of modern Fujitsu thermostats is their ability to offer customized comfort through programming and scheduling. 

These advanced features are represented by specific symbols on your thermostat’s interface. 

Let’s delve into these symbols and learn how to harness the power of programming and scheduling:

1. Clock Symbol

The clock symbol is the cornerstone of scheduling. It signifies that your thermostat can be programmed to follow specific temperature settings at different times of the day. 

This allows you to optimize comfort and energy savings.

2. Calendar Symbol

A calendar icon often accompanies the clock symbol, indicating that you can set weekly schedules. 

This means you can tailor your thermostat’s settings for weekdays and weekends, reflecting your unique daily routines.

3. Weekday and Weekend Symbols

Inside the calendar, you may find symbols for weekdays (usually Monday to Friday) and weekends (Saturday and Sunday). 

These symbols enable you to differentiate between your workweek and leisure days, adjusting temperatures accordingly.

4. Program Mode Icons

Some thermostats have icons representing different program modes, such as “Home,” “Away,” and “Sleep.” 

You can assign specific temperature settings for each mode, ensuring comfort and energy efficiency during different times of the day and week.

5. Override or Hold Symbols

Look for symbols that allow you to temporarily override your programmed settings. This is handy when you want to make quick adjustments without altering your regular schedule.

6. Vacation or Leave Symbol

If you’re going on vacation or leaving your home for an extended period, a suitcase or vacation symbol lets you set a temporary, energy-saving mode to reduce energy consumption while you’re away.

7. Copy or Duplicate Symbol

To simplify programming, some thermostats feature a copy or duplicate symbol. This enables you to copy a program from one day to another, saving time when setting up your schedule.

Troubleshooting Fujitsu Thermostat Symbols

Even the most reliable HVAC systems may encounter issues from time to time. Fujitsu thermostats are equipped with troubleshooting symbols that help you diagnose and address problems effectively. 

Understanding these symbols can save you time and frustration. Here’s a breakdown of common troubleshooting symbols and what they mean:

1. Error Codes

Fujitsu thermostats often display numeric error codes when an issue arises. These codes correspond to specific problems with your HVAC system. Refer to your thermostat’s user manual for a list of error codes and their meanings.

2. Fan Error

If your thermostat displays a fan symbol with an exclamation mark or other alert icon, it may indicate a problem with the fan motor or airflow. Check for obstructions and ensure proper ventilation.

3. Filter Reminder

A filter symbol with an exclamation mark or a “filter” message usually reminds you to clean or replace your air filter. Regular filter maintenance is essential for system efficiency and air quality.

4. Low Battery Warning

When the battery is low, your thermostat may show a battery symbol with a low charge indicator. Replace the batteries promptly to ensure uninterrupted operation.

5. Wi-Fi Connection Issues

If your thermostat is Wi-Fi enabled, symbols like a signal strength icon or a connection status symbol may appear. Troubleshoot Wi-Fi issues by checking your network settings and signal strength.

6. System Lock

Some thermostats have a lock symbol, indicating that the settings are locked to prevent unauthorized changes. 

If you see this symbol and need to adjust settings, refer to your thermostat’s user manual for instructions on unlocking it.

7. Temperature Sensor Problem

A symbol that resembles a thermometer with an issue indicator may suggest a problem with the temperature sensor. Ensure the thermostat is not obstructed and that there are no drafts affecting its accuracy.

8. Service Required

If your thermostat displays a wrench or service symbol, it’s signaling that it’s time for professional maintenance or repair. Contact a qualified HVAC technician to address the issue.

8 Advanced Features and Symbols in Fujitsu Thermostats

Fujitsu thermostats often come equipped with a range of advanced features that go beyond basic temperature control. 

These features can enhance comfort, energy efficiency, and convenience. Here’s an exploration of advanced symbols and their associated functions:

1. Humidity Control

Look for symbols related to humidity adjustment. 

These symbols enable you to increase or decrease indoor humidity levels, which is especially useful for achieving ideal comfort in different seasons.

2. Zoning Icons

If your HVAC system supports zoning, symbols representing different zones within your home may be present. 

Zoning allows you to control temperatures independently in various areas, optimizing comfort and energy use.

3. Wi-Fi Connectivity

Wi-Fi-enabled thermostats often feature symbols indicating connectivity status. 

These symbols show whether your thermostat is successfully connected to your home network, allowing remote control via smartphone apps or voice assistants.

4. Smart Thermostat Features

Smart thermostats offer symbols denoting smart features such as voice control compatibility, geofencing, and learning algorithms. 

These symbols represent cutting-edge technology designed to adapt to your preferences and optimize energy usage.

5. Air Quality Indicators

Some thermostats display symbols related to indoor air quality. 

These symbols might alert you to issues like high humidity, poor air circulation, or the need to replace an air filter for improved air quality.

6. Vacation or Away Mode

Symbols resembling a suitcase or vacation icon may indicate an energy-saving mode designed for when you’re away from home. 

Activating this mode can help conserve energy when you’re not there.

7. Geolocation Features

Advanced thermostats with geolocation capabilities may use location-based symbols. 

These symbols ensure your thermostat adjusts settings based on whether you’re at home or away, maximizing efficiency.

8. Adaptive Learning

Some smart thermostats feature symbols that represent adaptive learning algorithms. 

These symbols indicate that your thermostat is learning your temperature preferences and daily routines to optimize comfort and energy use.

10 Tips for Fujitsu Thermostat Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance and care of your Fujitsu thermostat are essential to ensure it functions efficiently and reliably. 

Here are some valuable tips to help you keep your thermostat in top-notch condition:

1. Regular Cleaning

Dust and debris can accumulate on your thermostat’s display and buttons over time. 

Use a soft, dry cloth to gently clean the surface. Avoid using abrasive materials or cleaning solutions that could damage the screen.

2. Air Filter Maintenance

If your thermostat displays a filter reminder symbol, it’s crucial to clean or replace the air filter as recommended.

A clean filter ensures better indoor air quality and helps your HVAC system operate efficiently.

3. Battery Replacement

If your thermostat uses batteries, keep an eye on the battery indicator. When the battery is low, replace it promptly to prevent interruptions in thermostat operation.

4. Check for Obstructions

Ensure that there are no obstructions near the thermostat that could affect its temperature readings. Blocked airflow or exposure to direct sunlight can impact its accuracy.

5. Verify Wiring Connections

If you’re experiencing issues with your HVAC system, check the wiring connections to the thermostat. Loose or corroded wires can lead to connectivity problems.

6. Firmware Updates

If your thermostat is Wi-Fi-enabled or a smart thermostat, check for firmware updates periodically. 

Manufacturers often release updates to improve performance and security.

7. Professional Maintenance

Consider scheduling annual or bi-annual professional maintenance for your HVAC system. 

This includes a thorough inspection, cleaning, and calibration of your thermostat and heating/cooling equipment.

8. Protect Against Extreme Temperatures

Avoid exposing your thermostat to extreme temperatures, as this can affect its performance. Keep it away from heaters, radiators, or drafty windows.

9. Refer to the User Manual

Familiarize yourself with the user manual provided by Fujitsu. It contains valuable information on maintenance procedures specific to your thermostat model.

10. Backup Your Settings

If your thermostat allows for custom programming, consider keeping a record of your settings in case they need to be reprogrammed after a power outage or system reset.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does the fan symbol with different speed settings mean?

The fan symbol with speed settings allows you to control the airflow in your space. You can typically choose from options like “Auto,” “Low,” “Medium,” and “High” to adjust the fan speed according to your comfort preferences.

How do I connect my Fujitsu thermostat to Wi-Fi for remote control?

To connect your thermostat to Wi-Fi, refer to the Wi-Fi setup section in your thermostat’s user manual. Typically, you’ll need to access the thermostat’s settings, select the Wi-Fi network, and enter the network credentials. Once connected, you can control your thermostat remotely using a dedicated app or voice commands if it’s a smart thermostat.

What should I do if my Fujitsu thermostat displays a “low battery” symbol?

When your thermostat shows a low battery symbol, it’s time to replace the batteries. Use fresh batteries compatible with your thermostat model to ensure uninterrupted operation.

Can I use my Fujitsu thermostat in manual mode without programming?

Yes, most Fujitsu thermostats allow manual mode operation. Simply set your desired temperature and fan settings without programming a schedule. This mode can be convenient when you want immediate control without a pre-set schedule.


Your Fujitsu thermostat is not just a device; it’s a gateway to a more comfortable, efficient, and convenient living space. By putting this newfound knowledge into practice, you can enjoy a home environment that meets your needs, year after year.

By understanding the meanings of these symbols, you can Achieve Optimal Comfort, Save Energy and Money, Troubleshoot Effectively, Explore Advanced Features, and Maintain Your Thermostat.

As you continue to use and master your Fujitsu thermostat, don’t hesitate to refer back to this guide or consult your thermostat’s user manual for specific instructions related to your model. 

With your thermostat symbols deciphered and your HVAC system under your command, you’re ready to enjoy a climate-controlled haven that suits your lifestyle and preferences.

Scott Maupin