Why Is My Emerson Thermostat Blinking Snowflake? – [Fixed]

Modern thermostats like those manufactured by Emerson offer homeowners the convenience of precise temperature control and energy efficiency. 

However, even the most advanced devices can occasionally experience issues that require attention. One such issue is the blinking snowflake symbol on the Emerson thermostat, a signal that something might be amiss.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of troubleshooting the Emerson thermostat blinking snowflake. 

Let’s embark on this troubleshooting journey to unravel the mysteries of the blinking snowflake and ensure that your Emerson thermostat continues to deliver the comfort and performance you expect.

Table of Contents

What Does Blinking Snowflake Mean On Emerson Thermostat?

The snowflake symbol on your Emerson thermostat serves as a visual indicator that your HVAC system is in cooling mode. 

When everything is working as it should, the snowflake symbol typically remains steady, indicating that the air conditioning system is actively cooling your home to reach the set temperature.

However, when you notice the snowflake symbol blinking, it’s a sign that there might be an issue requiring your attention. 

While the blinking snowflake can be disconcerting, it’s not necessarily a cause for immediate alarm. 

There are several factors that could contribute to this behavior, and understanding these factors can help you diagnose and address the issue effectively.

5 Common Scenarios for Why Is My Emerson Thermostat Blinking?

1. Temperature Variation

The blinking snowflake might occur if there’s a noticeable difference between the current room temperature and the temperature setting on your thermostat. 

This could mean that your cooling system is working to adjust the temperature, which is a normal behavior.

2. Sensor Discrepancies

Sometimes, the placement of the thermostat’s sensor can affect its accuracy in measuring the room temperature. 

If the sensor is positioned in an area with drafts, direct sunlight, or other factors that can skew the readings, the thermostat might initiate cooling even if the rest of the room doesn’t require it.

3. System Cycling

If your HVAC system is frequently turning on and off in short intervals, the snowflake symbol might blink as the system strives to maintain a consistent temperature. 

This could be due to various reasons, including dirty filters, restricted airflow, or issues with the system’s components.

4. Sensor Malfunction

A malfunctioning sensor could send incorrect temperature readings to the thermostat, prompting it to activate cooling unnecessarily. 

This can result in the blinking snowflake as the thermostat attempts to correct the perceived Emerson thermostat flashing temperature imbalance.

Preparing Emerson Thermostat for Troubleshooting Blinking Snowflake

Before diving into the troubleshooting process for the blinking snowflake issue on your Emerson thermostat, it’s essential to be well-prepared. 

Taking a systematic approach and ensuring you have the necessary tools and information will make the troubleshooting process smoother and more effective.

1. Gather the Necessary Tools and Information

User Manual

Locate the user manual that came with your Emerson thermostat. 

This manual contains valuable information about the thermostat’s features, settings, and troubleshooting guidelines specific to your model.

Screwdriver and Tools

Depending on your thermostat model, you might need a screwdriver or other tools to access the thermostat’s inner components. Make sure you have the appropriate tools on hand.

Device Information

Take note of the thermostat model and any specific details about your HVAC system. 

This information will be helpful if you need to reach out to customer support or reference online resources.

2. Safety Precautions

Power Off HVAC System

Before you start troubleshooting, turn off the power to your HVAC system. 

This will ensure your safety while working on the thermostat and prevent any potential electrical hazards.

Caution with Wiring

If your troubleshooting involves interacting with wiring or electrical components, exercise caution. 

If you’re not comfortable working with electrical systems, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance.

3. Document Current Settings

Temperature Settings

Take note of the current temperature settings on your thermostat. This will help you compare them with the room temperature and identify any discrepancies.

Current Mode

Determine whether your thermostat is set to cooling mode, heating mode, or auto mode. This information will be relevant when troubleshooting the blinking snowflake issue.

How To Fix Flashing Snowflake On Emerson Thermostat – Step By Step Guide

Resolving the blinking snowflake issue on your Emerson thermostat involves a systematic approach to identify the root cause and implement the appropriate solutions. 

Follow these step-by-step instructions to troubleshoot the issue and restore your thermostat’s normal operation.

Step 1: Check the Temperature Setting

  • Verify the current temperature setting on your thermostat. Ensure that it’s consistent with your comfort preferences.
  • If the temperature setting is significantly lower than the room temperature, the blinking snowflake might be an indication that the system is actively cooling to reach the desired temperature.

Step 2: Verify Sensor Placement

  • Locate the thermostat’s sensor. It’s usually a small device that measures the ambient temperature.
  • Ensure that the sensor isn’t obstructed by furniture, curtains, or any objects that might affect its accuracy.
  • If the sensor is in direct sunlight or near drafts, consider adjusting its placement to improve temperature readings.

Step 3: Inspect for Sensor Blockage

  • Examine the area around the thermostat for any obstructions that could affect its performance.
  • Clear away any objects that might block airflow to the thermostat, which could lead to inaccurate temperature readings and trigger unnecessary cooling.

Step 4: Test the Thermostat’s Functionality

  • Change the thermostat’s mode to “Off” and wait for a few minutes.
  • Change the mode back to “Cool” and set the desired temperature a couple of degrees lower than the current room temperature.
  • Listen for the sound of your HVAC system turning on and feel for cool air. If both occur, your thermostat and cooling system are likely functioning correctly.

Step 5: Power Cycling the System

  • Turn off the thermostat and HVAC system.
  • Wait for about 5 minutes, then turn the system back on.
  • Observe if the blinking snowflake persists. Power cycling can sometimes resolve minor glitches causing the issue.

6 Common Issues On Emerson Thermostat Blinking Snowflake

While the previous troubleshooting steps covered the basics, some situations might require a deeper understanding of your Emerson thermostat and HVAC system. 

Here, we’ll explore common issues that could be causing the blinking snowflake and provide guidance on more advanced troubleshooting.

Issue 1: Sensor Calibration

1. Sometimes, the sensor’s calibration might be off. Refer to your user manual for instructions on calibrating the sensor to ensure accurate temperature readings.

Issue 2: Wiring Problems

1. Inspect the thermostat’s wiring for any loose connections or damage.

2. If you’re comfortable with electrical work, carefully check and resecure any loose wires. If not, it’s best to consult a professional.

Issue 3: System Software

1. Some Emerson thermostats receive software updates. Check if your thermostat’s software is up to date by referring to the manual or the manufacturer’s website.

Issue 4: Airflow and Filters

1. Reduced airflow due to dirty filters can lead to temperature imbalances. Check and replace the air filters if necessary.

Issue 5: HVAC System Maintenance

1. If your HVAC system hasn’t been serviced in a while, it might struggle to maintain temperatures. Consider scheduling professional maintenance.

Issue 6: Temperature Variation

1. If the blinking snowflake persists due to significant temperature fluctuations, it might be worth addressing insulation issues or drafts in your home.

9 Preventive Measures and Best Practices for Emerson Thermostat

Taking proactive steps to maintain your Emerson thermostat and HVAC system can go a long way in preventing future issues and ensuring consistent performance. 

Here are some preventive maintenance tips and best practices to keep your thermostat operating smoothly:

1. Regular Cleaning

– Periodically clean the thermostat’s exterior to prevent dust and debris buildup. Use a soft cloth to wipe away any dirt that might affect its sensors.

2. Air Filter Replacement

– Check and replace your HVAC system’s air filters according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Clean filters allow for proper airflow and prevent strain on the system.

3. Calibration Check

– Occasionally verify that your thermostat’s temperature readings match the actual room temperature. Recalibrate the sensor if needed, following the instructions in your user manual.

4. Insulation and Sealing

– Ensure your home is properly insulated and sealed to minimize temperature variations. Address any drafts or leaks that might cause your HVAC system to work harder than necessary.

5. Regular System Maintenance

– Schedule professional maintenance for your HVAC system at least once a year. Technicians can identify and fix potential issues before they escalate.

6. Software Updates

– Stay informed about software updates for your thermostat model. Keeping the software up to date can improve performance and fix bugs.

7. Professional Checkup

– If you notice persistent issues or experience sudden temperature changes, contact an HVAC professional. They can perform a thorough inspection and recommend necessary repairs.

8. Temperature Setting Optimization

– Adjust your thermostat’s temperature settings based on your schedule. Lower temperatures at night or when you’re away to save energy.

9. User Manual Reference

– Keep your thermostat’s user manual handy for quick reference. It contains valuable information about features, settings, and troubleshooting steps specific to your model.

What to Do If Emerson Thermostat Continues to Blink Snowflake for More Than 5 Minutes?

If your Emerson thermostat’s snowflake icon continues to blink for an extended period of more than 5 minutes, there are a few steps you can take to address the situation and ensure the proper functioning of your cooling system:

Check the Set Temperature

Verify that the set temperature on your thermostat is lower than the current room temperature. 

If the set temperature is higher or equal, the cooling system might not activate, causing the snowflake to blink.

Check for Cold Air

Assess if cold air is being produced by your cooling system. 

If the air remains warm or at room temperature, there might be an issue with your cooling system’s functionality.

Check Airflow

Ensure that there’s adequate airflow from the vents. 

Blocked or restricted airflow can lead to inefficient cooling and cause the thermostat to keep the cooling mode active.

Inspect the System

If the snowflake continues blinking, there could be an issue with your cooling system. 

Check for any error codes on the thermostat’s display or consult the system’s user manual for troubleshooting guidance.

Reset the Thermostat

Try resetting your thermostat by turning it off, waiting for a minute, and then turning it back on. This can sometimes resolve minor glitches that might be causing the snowflake to blink.

Contact Support

If the issue persists, it’s advisable to contact Emerson’s customer support or a professional HVAC technician for further assistance. 

They can provide guidance based on the specific model of your thermostat and cooling system.

Blinking Snowflake vs. Solid Snowflake on Emerson Thermostats

When it comes to your Emerson thermostat, the visual cues it provides can be quite important in comprehending its current operations. 

Two such indicators, the blinking snowflake and the solid snowflake, carry specific meanings that every homeowner should be aware of to ensure optimal comfort and energy efficiency.

The blinking snowflake on Emerson thermostat signifies an active cooling mode. When you observe this icon on your thermostat’s display, it indicates that your cooling system is in operation, actively working to lower the ambient temperature to the desired set point. 

This is particularly useful during warmer seasons when maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature is crucial.

On the other hand, the solid snowflake on Emerson thermostat signifies a pending cooling cycle. This occurs when you’ve set your thermostat to a temperature lower than the current room temperature. 

The solid snowflake icon indicates that your thermostat is primed to initiate the cooling system as soon as the room temperature rises to match or exceed the set temperature. 

This proactive approach helps prevent any uncomfortable temperature deviations and ensures a consistently pleasant indoor environment.

Both the blinking snowflake and the solid snowflake on an Emerson thermostat serve as informative indicators about the current cooling operations. 

While the blinking snowflake represents active cooling, the solid snowflake indicates a readiness to cool based on your preset temperature preferences. 

Familiarizing yourself with these visual cues empowers you to make informed decisions about your thermostat settings, promoting not only comfort but also energy efficiency in your living space.”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

How often should I replace the air filters in my HVAC system?

Check your HVAC system’s user manual for recommendations, but a general rule of thumb is to replace air filters every 1-3 months. Regular filter changes ensure proper airflow and prevent strain on the system.

Can I recalibrate the sensor myself, or do I need professional help?

Recalibrating the sensor can usually be done by following the instructions in your user manual. However, if you’re uncertain about the process, it’s best to seek professional assistance to avoid potential issues.

Is it normal for the snowflake to blink occasionally even when the temperature is comfortable?

Occasional blinking might occur as the thermostat maintains the desired temperature. However, persistent blinking could indicate underlying issues that require attention.

Should I attempt to repair wiring issues myself, or is it safer to call a professional?

A8: If you’re comfortable with electrical work and have experience, you can attempt to fix wiring issues. Otherwise, it’s safer to rely on a professional to avoid electrical hazards.

How can I schedule professional maintenance for my HVAC system?

A9: Contact HVAC service providers in your area to schedule maintenance appointments. Regular professional maintenance can prevent issues and ensure your system’s optimal performance.

What’s the importance of updating my thermostat’s software?

Software updates can address bugs, improve performance, and add new features. Keeping your thermostat’s software up to date ensures you’re benefiting from the latest enhancements.


Your Emerson thermostat is a key player in maintaining your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. 

Armed with the knowledge gained from this guide, you’re equipped to tackle blinking snowflake issues, optimize your thermostat’s performance, and make informed decisions to ensure a cozy and comfortable living environment.

Remember, the blinking snowflake serves as a signal that your HVAC system is actively cooling, and while it might indicate an issue, it’s not always a cause for immediate concern. 

By verifying temperature settings, checking sensor placement, and performing tests, you’ve gained valuable insights into the potential causes of the emerson thermostat blinking snowflake.

Scott Maupin