Why Is My Aprilaire Thermostat Not Cooling? – Let’s Fix It

Feeling the heat but not getting the cooling relief you expect from your Aprilaire thermostat? Don’t worry you’re not alone. A malfunctioning thermostat can quickly turn your comfortable haven into an uncomfortable environment. 

We understand how frustrating and inconvenient it can be when your thermostat fails to deliver the cooling you need, especially during scorching days.

Throughout this guide, we’ll explore common reasons why your Aprilaire thermostat might not be providing the cooling you desire. 

Let’s start on this journey together to regain the cooling comfort you deserve.

Why is the Aprilaire Thermostat not Cooling?

You’re not alone if you’ve ever found yourself puzzled by a thermostat that seems to have a mind of its own, leaving you sweltering in a space that should be comfortably cool. 

The first step in resolving the issue is to understand the symptoms and potential causes behind your Aprilaire thermostat’s failure to cool.

Symptoms of the Issue

  • Incorrect Temperature:

Is your thermostat displaying one temperature but it feels significantly hotter indoors? This discrepancy between the displayed temperature and the actual comfort level is a common sign that something’s amiss.

  • Lack of Cooling:

If your thermostat is set to a cooling mode, but you’re not experiencing any cooling airflow or comfort improvement, there’s a definite problem.

  • Inconsistent Cooling:

Perhaps you’re getting some cooling, but it’s inconsistent – cycling on and off more frequently than usual, leading to temperature fluctuations.

The Frustration and Discomfort

Living with a malfunctioning thermostat is more than just a minor inconvenience. It can lead to sleepless nights, uncomfortable days, and even potential health concerns in extreme heat. 

Beyond the physical discomfort, the stress of dealing with an indoor environment that’s not adequately cooled can also take a toll on your overall well-being.

Why It Matters

Understanding the problem is the key to finding the solution. Whether it’s a simple adjustment, a technical glitch, or an issue requiring professional intervention, diagnosing the root cause of the cooling problem is the foundation of effective troubleshooting.

Troubleshooting Steps for Aprilaire Thermostat not Working On Cool

Before delving into the more intricate aspects of your Aprilaire thermostat’s cooling issue, let’s start with some basic troubleshooting steps. 

These initial checks can often uncover simple fixes that might resolve the problem without much fuss.

1. Check Thermostat Settings:

Ensure that your thermostat is set to the cooling mode and that the desired temperature is appropriately selected. Sometimes, accidental adjustments can lead to the thermostat not functioning as expected.

2. Verify Power Source:

Confirm that your thermostat has a stable power supply. Check for any loose wires or connections that might be causing power disruptions.

3. Replace Batteries:

If your thermostat operates on batteries, make sure they’re not drained. Replace them with fresh batteries and see if it makes a difference in the thermostat’s performance.

4. Test Fan Settings:

Set the thermostat’s fan setting to “On” to ensure that the fan is operational. If the fan doesn’t blow air, it might indicate a wiring or connection issue.

5. Inspect Display and Controls:

Examine the thermostat’s display and controls for any signs of physical damage or malfunction. Dust or debris might accumulate over time, affecting its operation.

6. Restart the System:

Try turning off the cooling system from the thermostat, waiting a few minutes, and then turning it back on. This simple reset might address minor glitches.

Aprilaire Thermostat Placement and Calibration to Fix not Cooling

The placement and calibration of your Aprilaire thermostat play a crucial role in its ability to accurately measure and regulate the indoor temperature. A poorly placed or miscalibrated thermostat can result in uneven cooling and discomfort. 

Let’s dive into how you can optimize these aspects for better cooling performance.

Optimal Thermostat Placement

The location of your thermostat can significantly impact its accuracy. To ensure precise temperature readings and effective cooling control:

1. Place the thermostat away from direct sunlight

Sunlight can cause false temperature readings and lead to excessive cooling.

2. Avoid heat sources

Keep the thermostat away from appliances, lamps, or electronics that emit heat, as this can skew temperature readings.

3. Minimize drafts

Avoid placing the thermostat near doors, windows, or vents, which can lead to incorrect temperature sensing.

Calibrating Your Thermostat

Calibration ensures that your thermostat accurately reflects the temperature in your living space. To calibrate your thermostat:

1. Use a separate thermometer

Place a reliable thermometer near the thermostat and compare its reading with the thermostat’s displayed temperature.

3. Adjust if needed

If there’s a discrepancy, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to adjust the thermostat’s calibration settings.

Checking for Level Installation

A thermostat that’s not level can affect its accuracy. Use a level to ensure that your thermostat is properly aligned. This is particularly important if you’re experiencing inconsistent cooling.

Testing Your Calibration

After calibrating your thermostat, observe how closely it matches the actual temperature. Adjustments might need fine-tuning to achieve optimal accuracy.

How to Ensure Proper Airflow and Ventilation

Effective airflow and ventilation are essential for distributing cool air evenly throughout your living space. If your Aprilaire thermostat is not providing the desired cooling, it’s important to assess whether these factors might be contributing to the problem. 

Here’s how to ensure proper airflow and ventilation:

1. Check Air Vents and Registers:

Inspect all the vents and registers in your home to ensure they’re open and unblocked. Blocked vents can restrict the flow of cool air, leading to uneven cooling.

2. Clean or Replace Air Filters:

Dirty or clogged air filters can impede airflow, making your cooling system work harder than necessary. Regularly clean or replace air filters to maintain optimal airflow.

3. Clear Obstructions around Vents:

Make sure that furniture, drapes, or other items are not obstructing the airflow from vents or registers. Unobstructed vents allow air to circulate freely.

4. Balance Dampers (if applicable):

If your HVAC system has adjustable dampers, ensure they’re balanced to evenly distribute air throughout your home.

5. Ensure Proper Insulation:

Proper insulation helps maintain a consistent indoor temperature. Insufficient insulation can lead to heat infiltration, making cooling less efficient.

6. Check Ductwork for Leaks:

Inspect your ductwork for any leaks or gaps. Leaky ducts can lead to cooled air escaping before it reaches your living spaces.

7. Use Ceiling Fans Wisely:

Ceiling fans can help distribute cool air more effectively. Use them in conjunction with your cooling system to improve airflow.

How to Ensure Outdoor Unit Inspection

The outdoor unit of your cooling system plays a critical role in the overall cooling process. If your Aprilaire thermostat is struggling to provide the desired cooling, it’s important to inspect the outdoor unit for any potential issues. 

Here’s how to ensure the outdoor unit is functioning properly:

1. Clear Debris and Obstructions:

Check around the outdoor unit for any debris, leaves, or vegetation that might be obstructing the unit’s airflow. A blocked unit can lead to reduced cooling efficiency.

2. Verify the Fan Operation:

Observe the outdoor unit’s fan to ensure it’s spinning when the cooling system is running. A malfunctioning fan can hinder the heat exchange process.

3. Clean the Condenser Coils:

Over time, the condenser coils on the outdoor unit can become dirty or covered in grime. Clean the coils using a gentle stream of water or a coil-cleaning solution.

4. Maintain Proper Clearance:

Ensure that there’s sufficient clearance around the outdoor unit. Trim any nearby plants or obstacles to allow for proper airflow.

5. Check for Refrigerant Leaks:

While you’re inspecting the outdoor unit, keep an eye out for any signs of refrigerant leaks, such as oily spots or residue. Low refrigerant levels can impact cooling performance.

6. Listen for Unusual Noises:

Pay attention to any unusual or loud noises coming from the outdoor unit. Odd sounds might indicate mechanical issues that require attention.

Refrigerant Levels Role in Aprilaire Thermostat

Refrigerant is the lifeblood of your cooling system, responsible for absorbing and releasing heat to facilitate the cooling process. If your Aprilaire thermostat is not providing adequate cooling, low refrigerant levels might be a contributing factor. 

Here’s what you need to know about refrigerant and its role in your system:

1. Understanding Refrigerant:

Refrigerant is a chemical compound that cycles between gas and liquid states, absorbing heat from indoor air and releasing it outside. It’s essential for efficient cooling.

2. Signs of Low Refrigerant:

Low refrigerant levels can result in insufficient cooling, longer cooling cycles, and an inability to maintain the desired temperature.

3. Professional Inspection Required:

Refrigerant handling is complex and potentially hazardous. It requires specialized equipment and expertise. If you suspect low refrigerant levels, it’s best to contact a certified HVAC technician.

4. Identifying Refrigerant Leaks:

Professionals can identify and repair refrigerant leaks using specialized tools. Leaks must be addressed promptly to restore proper cooling performance.

5. Recharging Refrigerant:

If your system is low on refrigerant, an HVAC technician can recharge it to the appropriate level. This should be done by a professional to ensure accurate measurements and safe handling.

How to Check Electrical Connections and Wiring

The electrical connections and wiring within your cooling system, including the thermostat, play a crucial role in its overall functionality. If your Aprilaire thermostat isn’t cooling properly, electrical issues could be at the heart of the problem. 

Here’s how to check and address potential wiring-related challenges:

1. Safety First:

Before working with any electrical components, ensure that power to your cooling system is completely turned off. This prevents the risk of electric shock.

2. Inspect Wiring and Connections:

Examine the wiring connecting your thermostat, indoor unit, and outdoor unit. Look for signs of damage, frayed wires, or loose connections.

3. Tighten Loose Connections:

If you find any loose wires or connections, use appropriate tools to tighten them. A secure connection ensures proper communication and operation.

4. Test for Voltage:

If you’re comfortable with electrical testing, use a multimeter to check for voltage at various points in the system. Make sure readings match specifications.

5. Address Damaged Wires:

If you discover damaged or frayed wires, it’s crucial to replace them with the appropriate wiring. Damaged wires can disrupt signals and lead to cooling problems.

Thermostat Firmware Update

In our technologically advanced world, even thermostats can benefit from software updates. If you’ve exhausted other troubleshooting steps and your Aprilaire thermostat still isn’t providing the expected cooling, it might be time to consider a firmware update. 

Here’s what you need to know:

1. Why Firmware Matters:

Thermostat firmware is the software that controls its operation. Updates can address bugs, improve performance, and introduce new features.

2. Check Manufacturer’s Website:

Visit the official website of Aprilaire or the thermostat’s manufacturer. Look for firmware update information specific to your thermostat model.

3. Follow Instructions Carefully:

If a firmware update is available, carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions for downloading and installing it. Incorrect updates can lead to further issues.

4. Back Up Settings:

Before performing any updates, note down your thermostat’s current settings or take pictures. Updates might reset settings to default.

When to Seek Professional Help?

While DIY troubleshooting can be effective for many issues, there are times when the expertise of a professional HVAC technician is crucial to resolving complex cooling problems with your Aprilaire thermostat. Here’s when it’s best to seek professional help:

1. Refrigerant Handling

Handling refrigerants requires specialized equipment and training. If your cooling problem is suspected to be related to refrigerant levels or leaks, it’s essential to consult a certified technician.

2. Electrical Work

If you encounter electrical issues, such as damaged wiring, voltage irregularities, or complex control board problems, a licensed professional should handle repairs to ensure safety.

3. System Components

Issues with major components like the compressor, evaporator coil, or condenser unit often require professional assessment and repair due to their technical nature.

4. Persistent Problems

If you’ve performed thorough troubleshooting, including basic and advanced steps, and your cooling problem persists, a professional technician can perform a comprehensive diagnosis.

5. Warranty Concerns

If your cooling system or thermostat is under warranty, attempting DIY repairs might void the warranty. Professional service ensures warranty compliance.

6. Preventive Maintenance

Regular professional maintenance can prevent issues from arising in the first place. A technician can identify and address potential problems early on.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Why is my thermostat displaying an incorrect temperature?

Incorrect temperature readings could be due to thermostat placement, calibration issues, or other technical glitches. Refer to the relevant sections in the guide for solutions.

Is it normal for my thermostat to cycle frequently during cooling?

Frequent cycling might indicate an issue with temperature calibration, airflow, or other factors. Proper troubleshooting can help identify and resolve the cause.

How often should I replace my air filters?

Air filters should ideally be checked every 1 to 3 months and replaced as needed. Clean filters improve airflow and cooling efficiency.

Can I reset my thermostat to fix cooling issues?

A thermostat reset can sometimes address minor glitches, but it might not be a permanent solution. Follow the troubleshooting steps outlined in the guide for a more comprehensive approach.

When should I call a professional HVAC technician?

If DIY troubleshooting doesn’t resolve the cooling problem, or if you encounter issues related to refrigerant, electrical components, or major system components, it’s best to seek professional help.


Navigating a cooling issue with your Aprilaire thermostat can be a challenging experience, but armed with the knowledge and steps outlined in this guide, you’re well-equipped to tackle the problem head-on. 

From understanding the symptoms to exploring thermostat placement, calibration, and various aspects of your cooling system, you’ve taken proactive measures to restore comfort to your living space.

Remember, your Aprilaire thermostat is a key component in creating a comfortable and enjoyable living environment. Regular maintenance and timely interventions, both DIY and professional, contribute to its longevity and effectiveness. 

Scott Maupin